UPDATE: All squares sold out!
Grids will be distributed soon!
Due to Covid 19 restrictions, the Avon Lions Club was forced to cancel its 2021 Race Night fundraiser. Instead, we are hosting a Super Bowl Squares fundraiser this year. The cost is $20 per square. You can buy as many as you like. Once we have 100 squares sold, we will put together the grid for the squares and assign numbers to the NFC team and the AFC team. The grid card can then be accessed on our website at www.avonlions.org or on our Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/avonlionsclub.
The payouts will be $150 per quarter for the first three quarters and then $300 for the fourth quarter/final score. You can pay by cash, check, or PayPal or Venmo. Contact Joe Santoro for details if you want to pay using PayPal or Venmo. You can e-mail me at joesantoro2407@gmail.com. The deadline to buy is February 5, 2021.
The money the Avon Lions raise will be used for the William H. Bommer Avon Lions Club scholarships for deserving high school seniors as well as several worthy causes in our community such as the Avon Cares Program and the St. Mary’s Food Bank. Thank you for your support and good luck!