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2025 Scholarship Opportunity
Apply now for the 2025 Avon Lions William H. Bommer Scholarship!
The scholarship was developed by the members of Avon Lions Club to honor and remember the last charter
member of the club for his selfless devotion to Lion-ism and the Avon community. Bill Bommer, Sr. was a
strong and active member of the […]
Avon Lions March Madness Squares
The Avon Lions Club March Madness Fundraiser is here!
The cost is $25 per square and you have
2022 Super Bowl Squares
UPDATE: All squares sold out!
Grids will be distributed soon!
The Lions are hosting a Super Bowl Squares fundraiser again this year. The cost is $20 per square. You can buy as many as you like. Once we have 100 squares sold, we will put together the grid for the […]
Avon Lions, thank you so much for your donation to the Lion’s Campership Fund. This fund is such an instrumental aspect of our camping ministry. There are many children and teens with special needs that would most likely not have the opportunity to attend this life-changing week of camp without you.
Thank you Lions so much for your generous donation to our Low Vision Fair of 2013. We had a very large crowd this year and were able to provide help and information to many. Your continued support of our Fair is greatly appreciated!
Thank you Lions for participating in the “Santa Comes to Avon” event. We appreciated the donation of the oranges and the workers that were there to help with Santa and the many kids that attended.
I wanted to touch base with you to thank you for your generosity and to tell you a little bit about how my first year went at College! Throughout this year, I have been able to become the Chair/President of the Board of Elections, become a 2014/2015 Resident Assistant (RA), and a 2014/2015 executive board member of the Campus Activities Board. I have been able to accomplish all that I have because of your support. Thank You!
Lions, thank you so much for all your help with the Christmas Baskets and buying the chickens. We could not do this without your help.
Your generous financial support for our annual Christmas dinner is appreciated more than words can say… We were able to serve 108 meals at the church and delivered 442 meals to homes.